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1. What warranties do you offer?

TRITANIA cooking units are warranted for 10 years from the date of purchase. However, they are virtually everlasting and, above all, do not require any reconditioning over time, as they have a pure titanium cooking surface without any non-stick coating.

2. What are the shipping times?

TRITANIA cookware is usually shipped all over Italy in 3-4 working days via express courier. For Europe, shipping takes longer (from 5 to 7 days).

3. What are the payment methods? Can I also pay on delivery to my home?

You can choose to pay via PAYPAL, credit card or bank transfer or you can decide to pay for the products on delivery; in this case you will pay the courier only at that moment. Payment by cash on delivery involves an extra cost of € 7,00 required by the courier for the service.

4. Is shipping free of charge?

For payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank transfer, shipping is always free across Italy and continental Europe. For payment on consignment (cash on delivery), there is a € 7.00 fee. To discover the shipping costs for the European islands and non-European countries please send an email to info@ritaniacookware.com

5. Do you offer any kind of assistance?

Of course, we offer all the assistance you need. You can contact us by phone at 02 66666300 - 3925286152, or through Facebook from our official page Tritania Cookware, or even by sending an email to info@ritaniacookware.com. We will reply as soon as possible.

6. Is Tritania cookware made of 100% titanium?

The cooking surface of Tritania pots and pans is pure titanium. Although at a glance Tritania cooking units appear to be made of a single metal material (technically they are referred to as 'single-body'), they are actually made by co-laminating three different metals.

This multilayer material is able to guarantee high performance, thanks to the synergic combination of the properties of each metal used: the titanium in contact with food, a non-toxic and biocompatible metal, guarantees the best in terms of health and taste; the internal aluminum, an excellent conductor, allows a faster and more homogeneous heat diffusion, guaranteeing uniform cooking; the magnetic AISI 430 steel, used for the exterior, makes the pans compatible with all heat sources, including induction hobs.

The lids are made of nickel-free 304 steel. The steamer instead is made entirely of titanium: in fact, steam cooking does not require the other two materials.

7. There are other titanium pans on the market that are less expensive: why is that?

At the moment TRITANIA is the only cookware set produced in Italy with a 100% pure titanium cooking surface.

Some manufacturers offer 'titanium' cookware, which actually consists of a metal structure (mostly aluminum, but also multilayer steel and aluminum) with a non-stick PTFE coating reinforced with titanium particles in an unspecified percentage. This means that food comes into contact with a coating made of multiple chemical products, not all specified and known in their effects on our health. Finally, there are ultralight and portable pure titanium cooking sets for hiking.

8. Does Tritania protect me from allergies?

The cooking surface of the Tritania cookware is nickel and chrome free, because it is made of pure titanium foil. In addition, titanium is a non-toxic metal and highly compatible with the human body, therefore practically hypoallergenic. Even the lids of Tritania cookware are nickel-free.

If you are allergic, however, you will know that you must pay the utmost attention to the foods you eat, avoiding all those that are harmful for you.

9. Why does the firing surface sometimes change color and have a bluish or iridescent tint? How can I eliminate these colors?

When heated at high temperatures the titanium of the cooking surface of Tritania pans and pots can actually take on a bluish, blue or iridescent coloration. This is the confirmation that the cooking surface of TRITANIA pans and pots is really made of pure titanium. These colors are in fact an optical effect due to the fact that the titanium oxide, which forms in contact with the air during cooking, thickens and interferes with the light. Remember: the oxide layer protects the titanium surface and increases its resistance to corrosion by food, and also increases non-stick properties). Therefore, it would be better not to eliminate this chromatic effect. However, if you really don't like it aesthetically, you can rub the surface of the pan vigorously with an abrasive sponge and a cream detergent until it is removed.

10. How can I make my Tritania pans look perfect again? Can I use an abrasive sponge or scouring pad?

The maintenance of Tritania cookware is neither laborious nor complex, although remember that it is necessary to cook over moderate heat to prevent food from sticking to the metal (as there is no non-stick coating). The surface of titanium does not lose its properties with washing, even if vigorous.

Immediately after use, it is recommended to place the pan under running water and then put it in the dishwasher. If food residues or marks remain, it is advisable to use a scouring pad or an abrasive sponge, rubbing energetically with concentric movements. Regarding detergents, a normal dishwashing detergent can be used , possibly strengthened by adding some drops of vinegar, or even a cream detergent.

11. Some scratches appeared on the bottom of the pans, and although less visible they are also present on the cooking surface. How come?

Under any pan, the continuous rubbing produced by the grids of the stoves (especially if made of cast iron) causes marks that can be more or less evident. They are visible even on a highly resistant material such as steel. These marks do not indicate material removal and do not compromise the functionality of our pans.

As far as the cooking surface is concerned, we guarantee that it is resistant to abrasion caused by cooking utensils or washing, because the titanium foil of which it is made is in no way scratched or removed in the course of time. If steel utensils are used, superficial scratches will appear, which can be made less visible by rubbing the pan with an abrasive sponge (with circular movements). What is certain is that pieces of the coating will never come off because... there isn't any!

12. Are Tritania cookware really non-stick?

The cooking surface of TRITANIA pots and pans has a slight natural non-stickness, much higher than that of stainless steel. It must be kept in mind, however, that this surface does not have any non-stick coating or treatment, therefore it cannot match the non-stick properties of PTFE pans.

The non-stick effect of TRITANIA cooking units reaches its maximum by learning to properly dose the temperature in the various cooking phases and, above all, it increases with use. Therefore, at the beginning, we recommend wet cooking (stewed vegetables and meat, chicken cacciatore, risotto all'onda, etc.) to get the hang of the product and then move on to cooking that requires more skill (eggs, omelettes).

It is important to know that the heat response of our tri-metal pans is intermediate between that of non-stick pans (very rapid) and that of steel with an applied bottom (slow). When cooking a steak or an egg, the secret is to heat the pan well over medium heat and only when it is hot, place the slice of meat or the hamburger or the eggs in it. Meat will be cooked over medium heat while eggs will be cooked over low heat. For very lean meat (especially hamburgers) or eggs it is necessary to grease the surface of the pan with oil or butter.

13. Sul fondo delle pentole sono comparsi alcuni graffi, e anche se meno visibili sono presenti anche sulla superficie di cottura come mai?

Sotto qualsiasi pentola lo sfregamento continuativo prodotto dalle griglie dei fornelli (soprattutto se di ghisa) provoca dei segni più o meno evidenti. Essi sono visibili anche su un materiale altamente resistente come l’acciaio. Questi segni non indicano asportazione del materiale e non pregiudicano la funzionalità delle nostre pentole.Per quanto concerne la superficie di cottura, noi garantiamo che è resistente all’abrasione prodotta dagli strumenti di cottura o dai lavaggi, perché la lamina di titanio di cui è costituita non viene in alcun modo scalfita o asportata nel corso del tempo. Se si usano utensili di acciaio compariranno dei graffi superficiali, che potranno essere resi meno visibili sfregando la padella con una spugnetta abrasiva (con movimenti circolari).
Quello che è certo è che non si staccheranno mai pezzetti di rivestimento perché... non c’è!

14. Le pentole Tritania sono veramente antiaderenti?

La superficie di cottura delle pentole e padelle TRITANIA è dotata di una leggera anti-aderenza naturale, ben superiore a quella dell’acciaio inossidabile. Occorre tenere presente però che tale superficie è priva di qualsiasi rivestimento o trattamento antiaderente, dunque non può eguagliare l’antiaderenza delle padelle in PTFE.

L’effetto antiaderente delle unità di cottura TRITANIA raggiunge il massimo imparando a dosare bene la temperatura nelle diverse fasi di cottura e soprattutto aumenta con l’uso. Dunque all’inizio consigliamo di effettuare cotture umide (verdure e carne in umido, pollo alla cacciatora, risotto all’onda ecc.) per prendere la mano con il prodotto e successivamente passare alle cotture che richiedono maggior abilità (uova, frittata).

Occorre sapere che la risposta al calore delle nostre padelle in trimetallo è intermedia tra quella dell’antiaderente (molto rapida) e quella dell’acciaio con fondo applicato (lenta). Quando cuciniamo una bistecca o un uovo il segreto sta nel riscaldare bene la padella a fiamma media e solo quando è calda deporvi la fetta di carne o l’hamburger o le uova. La cottura avverrà a fiamma media per la carne mentre proseguirà a fiamma minima per le uova. Per carne molto magra (soprattutto hamburger) o uova è necessario ungere la superficie della padella con olio o burro.
